Friday, June 27, 2008

Andover Townsman article

This week's edition of the Andover Townsman (my hometown's paper of record) has a nice article on me and the release of Discovering the Boston Harbor Islands. If you go to the home page for this week's issue, you can also read about two other graduates of Andover High School--Jay Leno and Michael Chiklis. Leno was in nearby Lowell for a concert last weekend and Chiklis will be getting the key to the town today.

I didn't see the police blotter, my favorite feature in the paper, up on the web site, though. You could always count on priceless police incidents like the time a woman called the police to report her car windshield was gone only to call back to report it was just so clean she couldn't see it or the time time a resident near the high school called to report a huge snowball fight at the school, except it turned out to be the first day of softball practice. Good stuff.

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